Research Education

The Toledo Clinic offers viable and state-of-the-art treatment options through clinical trials. Clinical trials are research studies involving a medical or therapeutic intervention aimed at determining improved science and advances of current standard of care treatments. When individuals are faced with a diagnosis, there may be many questions, fears, or concerns that need to be addressed. Among these considerations is whether to participate in a clinical trial. This is a highly personal decision that only the person can make, but it is an option well worth exploring with your physician.
The Toledo Clinic offers clinical trials in Oncology, Pain Management, Cardiology, and other medical specialties. Clinical trials have many protections and safeguards built into the clinical research process. The most important of these safeguards is oversight by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Toledo Clinic, Inc. IRB consists of both scientific and non-scientific members who review in detail each clinical trial to ensure the trial follows approved ethical guidelines to protect patients and the integrity of the science.
It is vital for clinical trial candidates to be aware that they won’t have to sacrifice anything with respect to regular treatment if they choose to participate in a clinical trial. In fact, to assess whether there is any potential benefit to a new drug or treatment, regular care must be ongoing throughout the study.
Prior to entering on a clinical trial, the participant’s physician will provide a consent form that details information about the purpose of the clinical trial, the benefits one may receive, the risk that could be associated with participation, any additional testing or procedures that will be required, any costs the patient may incur, individuals and organizations that will be allowed to review the data obtained, how confidentiality of the patients medical information is maintained, and who the patient should contact with any questions regarding their treatment, rights, or ongoing participation in the study. The Toledo Clinic Research team works closely with each participant to monitor their medical and health conditions and response to the treatment.
Individuals participating in a clinical trial are not only choosing an option they feel is best for them, but they may also find comfort knowing they are contributing to the advancement of medical science and medical research, and possibly paving the way for better treatments for future patients.
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