Patient Rights

The Toledo Clinic is established to provide specialty medical referral services for the care and treatment of both well people and people with chronic conditions. In providing this medical service, we recognize basic human rights and the dignity of our patients. The Toledo Clinic and its staff of physicians and employees are dedicated to quality medical care, and in providing this care, we strive to protect the rights of our patients, including:
All patients are treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
All information regarding the patient obtained through the medical treatment of the patient is treated with confidentiality and our patients will be provided with appropriate privacy.
Each patient shall have the right to approve or refuse release of his/her medical chart or any information contained in it concerning the patient.
In treating our patients, we will strive to provide complete information concerning their diagnosis, treatment and the prognosis, to the degree known when the patient is being treated. Obviously, there will be times that it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a specific patient but this information could be provided to a designated individual or a legally authorized guardian of the patient.
All of our patients will be informed of their right to change their specialty physician at their request and no patient will be refused the right to leave the Clinic to obtain specialty or primary care from an individual physician outside of the Clinic. All efforts will be made to promptly respond to a request for transfer of information to the new attending physician upon receipt of appropriate permission from the patient.
Patients will be given the opportunity to participate in most decisions regarding their healthcare except when the patient is in such a physical condition that this participation would be to the detriment of the patient.
Our patients are expected to pay their bills within a reasonable length of time, taking into consideration the filing of insurance claims on behalf of the patients and taking other facets into consideration concerning the patient’s health, financial ability to pay, etc.
It is the right of every patient to openly discuss with his/her physician the specific fees for the service to be rendered by that physician or any physician within the Clinic to whom that patient has been referred.
Each patient will be assigned to a “patient representative”. The patient representative will be responsible for providing the patient with complete information regarding the charges incurred for medical treatment, the information concerning the insurance filings that have been made on behalf of the patient, any collection problems we might be involved with the patient, and the status of the patient’s total medical bill with the Clinic. Our patient representatives will also assist the patient in any way they can to alleviate any undue pressure being brought to bear on the patient through expenses incurred for medical treatment. However, it is still the responsibility of the patient to pay for the medical services rendered.
Physicians are generally available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. If it is after hours, please click here to check your physician’s profile page and call that office’s main number to get a hold of the physician that is on call. Calls regarding appointments and prescription refills should be handled during regular office hours. Any physician conducting experimental research programs is free to select a patient base from among his patients to request them to participate in the experimental research program. However, every patient has the right to refuse to participate in such a program and that right will be totally respected by our medical staff.
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